About Us

With radical change in technologies, especially in fields of commerce, agriculture, education, finance, mobility and new materials, innovators find inspiration from a plethora of possibilities for groundbreaking ideas. This brings opportunity and responsibility as a professional concerning on time compliances & financial security for pioneers to craft and meliorate upon their ideas.

We are experienced professionals with widespread engagement: investment banking; managing industries; accountant; consulting; insurance; practicing chartered accountants; stock broking; investors and venture capital funds. We bring in different experiences and expertise to partner in nation-building whilst standing by visionaries. Our aim is to support ventures that have sustainable business models, advanced technology and passionate founders. We call our platform as a verified match making platform between the recipients (entity or founders) & service providers (Angel Network, Auditors, Business Process Optimization Consultants, Company Secretaries, Cost Accountants, Investment Bankers, Investment Advisor, Information Technology Consultants, Lawyers, Marketing consultants, Portfolio Manger, Private Equity Fund (AIF), Merchant Banker, Venture Capital Fund etc.). Most of the services are provided by the independent consultants to reduce conflicts. Specialist are appointed directly by the clients.

QUOTE: “Innovation- any new idea- by definition will not be accepted at first. It takes repeated attempts, endless demonstrations, monotonous rehearsals before innovation can be accepted and internalized by an organization. This requires courageous patience.“ Warren Bennis (1925 – 2014), Scholar and organizational consultant

Our Team